In fairness, the Israel/Palestine situation is actually due, as much as anything else, to the fact that the part about respecting the rights of the Arab community in Palestine was always ignored. If that had been incorporated in the actual implementation of the Balfour Declaration- setting aside, for the moment, the inherent arrogance and presumption of the British in attempting to determine who would rule land the British themselves had no actual authority over when the Declaration was announced- much of the conflict could have been avoided. It was always, at heart, a land dispute- it was never about Arabs being congenitally unwilling to live next to Jews in peace and civility- Arab Muslims and Arab Christians had been sharing their lands with the Mizrahi- a group that should be more accurately called "Arab Jews", since they are simply people who are culturally Arab but practice Judaism and have their own Jewish culture-for over 1,000 years. The conflicts arose solely when it became apparent that the creation of Israel was going to cause the dispossession of large numbers of innocent Palestinian civilians.
It was valid to create a "homeland" as the Declaration called for, but it could have been done without the creation of an ethnic-supremacist, especially when the creation of said state became, in practice, the act of punishing one group of people- Palestinian Arabs- for the crimes of another. i.e., the Christians of Europe who perpetuated the Holocaust, and the English-speaking Christians of North America who could have provided sanctuary to everyone fleeing Hitler, but simply refused- and refused, quite frankly, out of a disgusting determination to make sure the United States and Canada remained "Christian nations".