I’m not part of ANY particular “idealogy”-in particular, I’m not what you would like to pretend everyone is part of-support for Soviet-style “Communism”-an ideology which is extinct everywhere in the world now, btw- I, and everyone else I know, think for myself.
I used the “some of my best friends are black” example because it is something every “states’ rights” white supremacist in the 1950s and 1960s said, implying that these supposed friendships make their support of “states’ rights”i.e., “segregation today, segratation tomorrah, segregation forevah!”- irrelevant. Well news flash- it didn’t what they stood for irrelevant then and it doesn’t make what you are effectively arguing for irrelevant now.
The point is, it has been conclusively shown, based on what the vast majority of black voices are saying- and I’m sorry, but there IS no conservative, white-deferential “silent majority” among black people that agrees with your views, just as there was never any significant number of enslaved humans who would ever have been content with their condition in life “if it hadn’t been fer them dadblamed Yankee abolitionists puttin’ notions in their heads” in 1850.
The voices of the black community who say institutional racism is real are the voices of the many in that community. Why should I not believe them, when they speak in the millions, if not the tens of millions, about what their lived experience is?