I'm just going to say this as an older, straight white man- which, of course, is the only way I can say anything- the white people who call essentially ALL discussions of structural racism "divisive" or "anti-white" just don't want white supremacy to be addressed at all. Their demand that we all pretend the problem is nothing more than "a few bad apples", is a demand that we pretend that racism is, at most, a trivial problem, and that nothing serious be done to address it.
They don't care that none of the "equity" measures proposed would harm any white people at all, or that the changes in policing we need will NOT turn this country into a live-action reenactment of THE PURGE-btw, Chicago, with the worst violent crime rates in this country, has one of the most violently racist police departments in the country, and thus totally disproves the "we could end crime if we just let the police do whatever the hell they want to to Black people" argument- and they still hold to the toxic lie that, economically, Black people "just don't try hard enough", which is not something these people could actually know, since they haven't met every Black person who lives in this country.
Their demand that the white supremacy be seen as nothing but a handful of individuals who haven't "found Jesus" or something like that is a demand to pretend that the problem is too trivial to matter and that nothing be changed.
They have to know that these demands are out of touch with reality and both insulting and disrespectful to all BIPOC people.