If Trump wins, we won't be fighting for democracy. Democracy will be gone, at the least for decades, at the most for good. no election after that, for the remainder of my lifer- I'm 59- will be anything but a vote to decide who administers the perpetual hateful sameness and the restoration of both official Jim Crow and the permanent repression of all LGBTQ people. Abortion and contraception will be banned, which will mean women will no longer have any rights at all, as was the case prior to 1920. The labor movement will lose any chance of ever recovering, which will mean working people will no longer have any rights at all in the workplace, which means we will have no rights at all that aren't trovial and meaningless.
All we will be able to fight for, barring some sort of successful revolutionary uprising, is the preservation of small pockets of humanity and empathy, pockets which will survive in the privscy of the individual home and nowhere else.
Who but a heartless, soulless bully would feel any reason to go on living in a future like that? What redeeming values would this country even have?
A second Trump term extinguishes the light throughout this land.