If people want to ban abortion, they need to recognize that imposing such a ban also means imposing obligations to help on themselves- and that range of help means everything from supporting practical measures that would help, such as supporting free daycare, free healthcare for all, and measures barring workplace discrimination against women who give birth, to an emotional agreement to never again pass judgment on any woman for being pregnant, no matter why the pregnancy occurs. If you believe "Life is sacred", you also have an obligation, out of simple decency, to accept that the quality of life for all must be sacred, that the dignity of all must be sacred, and that the right not to be shamed and anathemized for conceiving a pregnancy is sacred as well.
And it also means that enforcing the responsibility of men to provide financial support during and after any pregnancy they cause-and pregnancies are all caused, in one way or another, BY men-must be sacred, too.
A truly "pro-life" response would mean taking all the sanctimony and judgmentalism and clicking of tongues and anathemization of women who become pregnant in situations you happen to disapprove of totally out of it.
If you're going to be "pro-life", you pretty much have to give up being the person who says "you made your bed, now you have to lie in it, MISSY!". And you have to give up on forcing women you forced to carry pregnancies to term to live out their lives in trailer parks on the edge of town.