If people are going to fight for THAT, they have some obligations:
- They have an obligation to accept that we need to have a social welfare state and that it will need to grow, so that no child is ever raised in poverty;
- They need to support getting rid of the pointless, classist, possibly racist and quite simply evil ban on public assistance for TWO parent families. If they are going to make a fetish of children being raised by “a mother AND a father”, they need to get rid of the rules that force millions of people to choose between giving their kids two live-in parents OR “three hots and a cot”.
- They have an obligation to back, not only maternity/paternity leave, but the “caregiver leave” proposal that was offered by a Medium writer;
- They have an obligation to support measures protecting any woman who conceives from any form of workplace or financial discrimination;
- They have an obligation to give up the idea that some groups are LESS entitled to reproduce than others;
- They have an obligation to accept that no woman who conceives should EVER, under any circumstances, be shamed or stigmatized over the circumstances of the pregnancy;
- They need to accept that it can be nothing but barbaric to force a victim or parental rape(that’s what we should start calling “incest”, really) or adult rape to carry the pregnancy caused by the rape to term-that to insist on that is to punish the victim for being raped and to doom that victim to never recovering from the trauma;