I was still on Democratic Underground in 2016-I was banned from it a few months later for the unforgiveable crime of calling on the Democratic Party to welcome in Sanders supporters and try to find common ground with them, rather than demonizing them, refusing to accept that the party needed to change, and endlessly chanting "Comey/The Russians/Vote Suppression" as the only explanations they could come up with for Trump's Electoral College "win".
The smug, dismissive letters attacking this column and asserting that victory is certain sound EXACTLY like every "Hillary's got it in the bag" post that appeared on DU during the '16 general election.
I hope Biden does manage not to blow this-he needs to realize that his only chance to win is to go BLM meets FDR, but I'm still not sure he gets that yet-but the attitude his loyalists are showing here is identical to the toxic arrogance the Hillary supporters showed four years ago.
Why do they refuse to listen? Why do they refuse to learn?