I understand how loans work…I was just pointing out that they aren’t “free stuff” and that the problem isn’t that the loans are given out to those some consider the “undeserving”-btw, who is truly qualified to determine who does and does not “deserve”? The state of “deservation” is always subjective and has never, at any point in history, been based on any unambiguous standard of “merit” or “character” or “gumption” or any other right-wing buzz word-it’s why I favor free public tuition: No one should ONLY be able to get a college education because somebody else thinks they deserve to do so, or because they take courses or get a degree in fields the wealthy think people should get degrees in. Higher education is a good IN ITS OWN RIGHT. It is to the good of all of us for everyone to gain whatever level of education they receive, because life itself is improved through the sharing of knowledge itself, whatever that knowledge may be. We become mentally and spiritually impoverished when education is reduced to nothing but job training, because we do not exist solely to be employed in a job and as human beings we should not be measured solely by whether or not what we do creates material wealth for ourselves or-as is usually the case-mainly for those who, by luck of the draw, end up employing is. If we follow the path the Right is pushing us on-the path to Ayn Rand’s soulless, heartless world of wealth and privilege for the few and nothing but drudgery for the many, we will end up in a world without dignity, poetry, laughter, and joy-a world in which accumulation is the only thing that matters.