I see no reason to engage you, because you are incapable of independent thought and post nothing but the hasbara "line".
My farewell words to you:
You appear to be incapable of seeing ordinary Palestinians as human beings, as basically decent people who are driven by justifiable fear of dispossession and justifiable anger at decades of collective punishment for things that are the responsibility of anyone other than Hamas or Fatah or the other armed factions, not bigotry.
appear to be unable to accept that ordinary Palestinians are capable of basic decency, basic humanity, that in the years prior to the 1920's, ordinary Palestinians and the indigenous Jewish community lived in relative amity, accepting each other's presence on the lands as natural and legitimate.
You appear to be incapable of acknowledging realities that don't fit your "narrative" like the facts that
- that there was never a Palestinian or Arab equivalent of Torquemada, the tsars, or Hitler,
-in the 1933-45 era, one of the safest places to be Jewish, if you couldn't get to North America, was the Arab/Muslim world, which, at that time, had long-standing Jewish communities who were accepted and left be and who, during Hitler's extermination project, were unscathed;
- that the chief Imam of Paris hid Jews in his mosque, or that Albanian Muslims helped Jews escape Europe, or that thousands of Palestinians served in the British Army in World War II and, in that capacity, helped defeat Hitler and end the Holocaust- which yes, was ended far too late, but that was the fault of the North American/Anglo/European countries which could have brought down Hitler in the early 1930s with a strong economic embargo, but helped him consolidate power instead because he was "anticommunist" and which refused, in the last months of the war, to bomb and destroy the railroad tracks leading to the death camps, an action which could have saved the lives of at least a million people, according to long-revealed historical evidence;
The Palestinian struggle, with its contradictions, with its flaws, is NOT grounded in antisemitism.
Yes, there are antisemitic Palestinians, but there are an equally large contingent of Israeli Jews who are viciously bigoted towards Palestinians, who think. speak and write about Palestinians in the dehumanizing way you do, who are unable to accept the reality that peace can never be made in this dispute by forcing the Palestinian leadership "surrender" as if it was Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan- Unlike World War II, the Israel/Palestine dispute is nowhere close to being that unambiguous, also unlike World War II, military 'victory" for any faction is categorically impossible,
and all that all that managing to achieve that objective- if it were possible, and it isn't- would achieve is to create far worse and far more violent splinter groups, just as the Israeli government helped give Hamas its "big break in show biz", so to speak, by launching a pointless campaign to discredit and humiliate Arafat, Fatah, and the PLO, at a time when there was no chance that crushing the PLO would ever produce a credible Palestinian leadership that would agree to anything remotely close to the terms, stipulations and premises Likud and the settlers demand, such as the following assertions:
-that the conflict is all the Palestinians' fault;
-that the conflict is caused solely by anti-Jewish bigotry;
-the insulting implication that ordinary Palestinians cannot possibly have any valid grievances about the way they've been treated by the IDF under the Occupation;
-that Palestinians must be kept in a state of official inferiority to Israelis and subjugation to the Israeli government and the IDF not only in Israel itself but on their own lands, the West Bank and Gaza, because of the ridiculous and ahistorical assumption that they are incapable of treating anyone who is Jewish with any level of fundamental human decency, that they are somehow pathologically unable to not be anything but soulless killing machines.;
-the assertion that, were it not for the Iranian government, Palestinians would have long-ago gladly accepted the degrading choice of staying where they are while living under permanent Israeli military occupation, or been willing to accept exile in Jordan or the rest of the Arab world, that they've never had any real connection to the land or any real shared national identity.
The realities of this situation, by contrast. are that peace cannot be predicated on making any side accept what amounts to a collection of insults, that the conflict is a land dispute grounded in historical trauma on one side, and more recently, misdirected historical trauma inflicted by the state purporting to exist in the name of the traumatized against a group of people who played little if any role in the infliction of the original trauma, and that a military end to this conflict is impossible, all of which mean that the only way forward towards peace is a negotiated compromise in which both partners have "parity of esteem" and in recognition of the equal possibility of people from both communities behaving decently towards each other if they are shown any possible benefit in doing so.
Why insist on a World War II ending when nobody is Hitler in this conflict and when it isn't possible to get unconditional surrender from anyone?
BTW, in terms of how Israel relates to the rest of the world- it is absolutely true that, back in the day, Europe, Britain, and North America utterly failed and betrayed the Jewish communities of Europe in their hour of direst need, and that that must be atoned for in whatever way possible...but how does THAT square when the seeming demand by every Israeli government that the world give unquestioning support to whatever they do not only to the armed factions, but to the overwhelming majority of ordinary Palestinians who have no say in what the armed factions do and no means of stopping those factions doing any of what they do?
And how, in the end, does the barbaric persecution of one group, on one continent, by the majority religious/ethnic community of that continent possibly justify the demand that everyone descended from that community today, or everyone living in Britain or North America today, endorse the collective persecution of an entirely different people on an entirely different continent, 95% of whom weren't even born during World War II, none of whom had anything to do with the persecution one group inflicted on another somewhere else and none of whom could have done nothing to prevent that persecution?