I don't want Israel to disappear- I simply reject the idea that it has to subjugate, humiliate or crush all Palestinians to survive- or that it's possible to end this conflict without Palestinians getting both a state and freedom from Israeli troops perpetually patrolling their land.
Nothing being done in the West Bank is "self-defense". Israel doesn't have to have the West Bank to BE Israel- and nothing short of the entire West Bank can be a viable Palestinian state.
The key to peace is to offer the Palestinian leadership something they can agree to without looking humiliated- it's not possible to achieve by surrender", and especially not by demanding that they agree to the bogus narrative that they are solely to blame for the war and their only motivation for resistance was hate- nobody in this conflict is the equivalent of Japan or Germany at the end of World War II.
Israel needs to accept a viable, contiguous, IDF-free Palestinian state. Any Palestinian leadership it engages must be guaranteed that it won't be forced to play the role of the vanquished party, because if they are seen as vanquished or humiliated, they will instantly be overthrown by more violent extremists vowing to avenge the shame.
Why insist on humiliation, therefore, when insisting on it makes peace impossible? Why insist on imposing a false narrative that the whole conflict was based on antisemitism and none of it was due to the brutal, barbaric way the Israeli government has treated Palestinians since 1967, and in some cases since 1948?
Why not just start treating them as human beings who have valid grievances about the situation, and admitting that they can't be reduced to nothing but irredeemable, bigoted, humanity-free berserkers?
Pretending that this conflict is all or even mainly about Palestinians and Arabs- Palestinians are not "generic Arabs"- supposedly hating Jews- I'd remind you that it was far safer to be Jewish in any predominately Arab or Muslim country during the 1933-45 era than in any country in "Christian Europe", and that Arabs and Palestinians neither had anything to do with the Holocaust- which Hitler was ALWAYS planning to carry out, from the moment he took power- nor could have prevented it- and that Palestinians accepted a far higher number of Jewish refugees coming into the Mandate than the U.S. or Canada did- and unlike the Mandate, the U.S. or Canada COULD have accommodated everyone who was fleeing the Third Reich- so they've never deserved to be treated as if they could have prevented that monstrous event but refused to.