I don't hate myself Vincent, because, unlike you- or at least the way you present yourself here- I don't base my identity on the assumption that everyone not like me is in some way a threat to my safety or to whatever position I have in life. I'm as deeply flawed a person as anybody, but I don't feel the need to see the culture I was raised in as inherently superior to all others, or to assume that if people with my skin color have succeeded in life, it proves that they are intrinsically superior or more "deserving" than everyone else.
I don't base my existence on resentment towards or fear of the majority of the human who are different than me. Why would anyone?
And there is nothing BIPOC people could do that could possibly be worse than what white America did in subjecting them to slavery, FOLLOWED by Jim Crow, followed by the white backlash and its continuing manifestations in such things as continuing institutional police racism, the continuing effects of redlining and "white flight", and the decades-long fight of white people to keep people of color from achieving home ownership, which- along with widespread union membership and job security and the educational opportunities created in the G.I. Bill- were the only pillars of the post-1945 white middle class prosperity that Reagan's cabal started intentionally knocking down after 1981, the year America stopped being, in any real sense "great".