I am white.
I have no hatred for whites, and my anger is at oppression- the things I described are just as much oppression to the groups I referenced as anything any white guy fought for in what became this country in the late 18th Century- including some of my white ancestors, most likely, since some of my ancestry includes the lamest of conventional American History cliches:
Some of them came over on the freaking Mayflower(I'm guessing they were no fun at parties)
:Some of them went west on the damn Oregon Trail-I assume that, unlike the losers in the video game, none of them died in dysentary.
I respect those who fought in the Revolution of 1776- a conflicted, contradictory, sometimes hypocritical revolution, as it left everybody who wasn't a white dude totally out of the liberation part- and as I said some of my ancestors who were part of that.
I don't hate them, or you, or "white people". Neither do black or brown or LGBTQ or Jewish or Muslim people, or immigrants- though people in all of those groups have legitimate grievances against the status quo that need to be addressed and wounds that need healing.
Rather than hating white people- something I can't actually do, being white- I simply think that white people need to get over ourselves, stop centering ourselves while treating everyone else as less than us, accept that we aren't "the default" model of being "Real Americans", and relax enough to reconcile ourselves to the reality that we are simply one group, one race. one culture WITHIN the range of what it means to be American, and that all the other races,. cultures and creeds resident here are just as "American" and just as entitled to claim this as home, as we supposedly are.
Would anybody really object to that? Would those of us who identify as "white" really have anything to lose from that? Let's just accept that we're part of the world and part of history like everybody else is.
That's not asking too much, you know.