I agree that black people and poor whites should be working together for economic justice- but- and this observation isn't about liking or not liking you, it's nothing personal at all- the argument you made there is the argument a lot of white Bernie Sanders supporters made in 2016 and 2020- unfortunately, early on in '16 I was one of them- and it was the argument that cost us the black vote everywhere. What that campaign should have been saying is that economic and racial justice were intersectional- that, while both groups are affected by economic injustice, the continuing role of structural racism amplified the effects of economic injustice on Black and Brown and Indigenous people, and that therefore Black and Brown and Indigenous have every reason to assume that a "one size all" approach to economic justice that doesn't take into account the effects of historic and continuing structural racism will, like the New Deal programs, leave them out in the cold. They've been shafted too many times in the past to give the white Left the benefit of the doubt on that.
Had the '16 Sanders campaign been able to convey the message that it understands that institutional racism is a major factor and must be taken into account in crafting an economic justice program-in practics, many of Bernie's policies actually did address that, it was the rhetoric that sent the false message that the campaign was economic-reductionist- Bernie would have carried the Black and Brown vote and therefore have been nominated and most likely elected. It was only because we got that wrong that those votes went to Hillary, a person who had never shown any genuine personal antiracist commitment and who, as far as we know-she would have had good reason to tell us all if we were wrong- never said a word of even private dissent about the eight years of relentless pandering to the white backlash Bill's presidency represented.
You can't win people over by telling them that THEY don't know what their real problems are. And black and brown and Indigenous people were never AGAINST the economic justice agenda-they just need the white Left to acknowledge that economic justice is not the only issue that affects their lives-just as it isn't the only issue that affects LGBTQ people, or Muslim or Jewish people, or immigrants.