How is there a difference between a legal requirement that people respect each other's pronouns, on the one hand, and the "hate speech" laws Canada has that impose legal consequences for shouting racial slurs at a person?
Also, even the case of the Canadian and Ontario provincial laws relating to pronouns- btw,, you do realize that government forces all of us to do numerous things we would rather not do, right?- would not impose legal consequences simply for mispronouning people: It would only impose them if a person called for something on the order of genocidal violence against trans/non-binary people. Peterson himself was never remotely close to being in legal jeopardy under this law.
And again, how is requiring everybody to do the decent, civilized thing and respect other people's pronouns in any way comparable to forcing the Old Bolsheviks to sign false confessions that they were trying to overthrow the "workers state" and restore capitalism?, and then executing them?
That's the whole problem with Peterson's rants about "cultural Marxism"-yes, some people seek to change some things in society, but
A) Most of the people on the left actually aren't "Marxists";
B) Most Marxists nowadays are not "Marxist-Leninists"; i.e., Stalinists, and therefore don't deserve to be accused of either defending or seeking the creation of regimes like those of Stalin’s or Mao's;
C) There is no chance that any of the changes supported by the activists Peterson is so obsessed with demonizing would ever create a Stalinist/Maoist-type state in this country.