Here is the major difference in the Biden approach lately, and it does, in fact, involve a switch from the approach establishment Dems have advocated to one Left activists have pushed for: Biden has begun, for the first time in any Democratic presidency since early in Lyndon Johnson's, to actually try and shape the narrative and to make a positive case for real change and in defense of progressive ideas.
He has stepped away from the approach "the pros" have stayed with through defeat after defeat after defeat: letting the Right control the agenda, leaving attacks on what Democrats and progressives stand for unchallenged, making concessions to most or all of the right-wing agenda- as Bill Clinton did in the Nineties when he signed the vicious, racist, classist "welfare reform" bill and unquestioningly endorsed every part of the "white backlash" agenda, while fighting for nothing in his presidency other than the right-wing, antiworker NAFTA agreement- in which Al Gore's pathetic and useless "side agreements" on workers rights never came close to being adopted- playing defensive "four corner stall" offense (an old college basketball reference) even when it means running out the clock while the Democratic/progressive "team" is behind.
Joe Biden has broken with that mindset, and the fact that he has, and that he had the guts to give the first antifascist speech any US president has given since FDR, is the only reason Democrats might actually avoid the massive defeat in the congressional elections that happened to Clinton in 1994 and Obama in 2010 and 2014.
May he keep standing up, may he keep rejecting defensive politics.
He should have been like this from the moment he was sworn in.