Good point- it was affirmative action to steal land from the Indigenous and sell it to white settlers at below-market prices
It was affirmative action for whites to deny the formerly enslaved their rights by establishing Jim Crow.
It was affirmative action for "white ethnic" immigrants to set up political machines that gave them no-show jobs in exchange for delivering their precinct at each election, and to essentially turn big-city police departments into ethnic fiefdoms.
And the postwar economic "accord" between a labor movement that largely excluded women and people of color- an accord that essentially guaranteed long-term job security and rapidly rising wages and benefits in exchange for labor peace- was affirmative action for whites- it is largely the reason the white "middle class'" as we now know it, the same white middle class that blocked most black people from entering the middle class by denying them the chance of home ownership.
The idea that White America has gained everything it currently has solely on merit is absurd.