Great article, I agree with very, very much of what you say here- it WAS unforgivably vile for Hillary to reference Bobby Kennedy's assassination as an implicit argument for Black voters to support her rather than Barack Obama in 2008-she and everyone who supported her still need to apologize to the Bobby's kids, most of whom endorsed her in 2008 for ever referencing that event in a campaign context-
There are people who use any detail to keep "chronology nerds" from picking it apart, there are a couple of tiny edits you might make- not the argument as a whole or the larger truths it contains, but on the dates you reference, since unusually uptight people would use these petty details against you:
1) Barry Goldwater ran for president in 1960(he failed to win the Republican nomination then) and 1964 (when he was nominated but lost badly). So the "Goldwater Girls" as a group would not have existed in the 1950s.
2) Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992 and 1996.
I only mention these things because there are people who would make a big deal about those things, even though they are unimportant in the larger scheme.