Given that Jewishness is passed matrilineally, does it matter that the father wasn't Jewish?
What was the mother's identity?
And how long, Reuben, are you going to carry on this pointless, reactionary, anti-humanist obsession with vilifying anyone who shows any solidarity or humanity with Palestinians?
Why are you still defending Netanyahu's pointless war when you know that- while October 7th was indefensible and most of the Palestine solidarity community has denounced it- what happened that day has been avenged tenfold in the blood of innocent Gazan civilians, and when you know, if you retain any humanity at all, that this war cannot be ended by humiliating the Palestinian side by pointless, useless demands for surrender?
It's gone on long enough, Reuben. No good can come of keeping it going. If vengeance was needed, it's been had. Move on.