Get in the face of politicians meant confront them verbally and nothing else. ACAB is a slogan, not a movement. Defund the Police activists support teaching de-escalation, not violence, and the mass rising against institutional racism in the summer of 2020 was spontaneous...NOBODY had the ability to order people in those protests to do or not do anything.
And there was no way to have prevented the rising from happening- the police intransigence made it inevitable.
If you want things to calm down, why don't you call on the police to admit there needs to be major change, to admit that excessive, disproportionate use of force by police against Black and Brown and Indigenous people is real, that the focus should be on de-escalation, not the meaningless, useless concept of having the police make everyone OBEY the police.
The point should be to keep everyone safe and prevent confrontation, not for the cops to be able to say "We Won1". Policing should not be treated as a war, nor should the police be encouraged to see themselves as municipal armies.