First of all, it's Labour, not Labor. Secondly, what you're describing there is two national communities at war, not antisemitism. Whatever can be said about the Palestinian leadership- and I don't like Hamas myself, which is why I wish the Israeli government hadn't enabled its rise by insisting on trying to oust the PLO as the Palestinian leadership when there was never any chance doing so would lead to anything but a worse Palestinian leadership (remember, the PLP actually recognized Israel) and it never works in any conflict for the conflicting party on one side to try and dictate who the leadership of the other conflicting party will be.
Pretending it's all the Palestinian leadership's fault serves no purpose. Pretending a replacement Palestinian leadership imposed by Israel can ever have any actual credibility with the actual Palestinian community was always going to be futile, especially in terms of the armed factions whose "buy-in" was always going be needed, since this conflict can't be ended by forcing any side to sign an unconditional surrender treaty on the 21st Century equivalent of the deck of the USS Missouri was never going to work out. Pretending the conflict can ever be ended by forcing one side- the Israelis forcing the Palestinians- to accept the insulting, humiliating premise that the Israelis can be trust to live as decent, civilized human beings but Palestinians never can was always going to be a recipe for disaster.
And pretending that the whole thing has never been about anything but Palestinians hating Israeli Jews- when it was always, at heard, grounded in a land war and fear of dispossession- was always going to be a recipe for futility and disaster.
How about, perhaps, admitting that this conflict isn't World War II, that Palestine is not Nazi Germany (and was never an imaginary national community) and that peace cannot be made by crushing one side into permanent subjugation.
It's never been as simple as Israel being an innocent victim in this conflict and the Palestinians being bigoted and evil.