FIne, get them to parity. But you can't GET them to parity by blaming them for something that wasn't their fault.
The only way to increase turnout among a low-turnout group is to engage them, to offer them something.
The party should be reaching out to them, not shaming them. The Clinton campaign should have reached out to them, treating the showing they'd achieved in the primaries with respect, and should have run ads in the states where Bernie was strong that were specifically directed to them and should have referenced the platform items the Sanders campaign backed.
Instead of a positive, energizing, inclusive approach like that, we had endless numbers of Clinton supporters continually badgering and insulting Sanders people on social media after the convention, treating them with dismissiveness and contempt, acting as if the whole Sanders phenomenon should simply never have happened-even though it would have made no difference in the November outcome if Bernie had stayed out-which would have meant there were no progressive candidates in the primaries at all- or had ended his campaign on Super Tuesday and deprived most of his supporters of the chance to vote for him.
We didn't even have Hillary doing what she should have done-admitting that Sanders supporters didn't deserve to be accused of not caring about racism.
I want Biden to win. But we can't get young voters to the polls by continuing to spread the canard that Trump is their fault.
Instead of that, why doesn't the Biden campaign say something like THIS:
"I won't personally work for the Green New Deal or Medicare For All or free public college tuition- but if you guys can get them through Congress, I'll sign them!"
He'd get them back in the game and lose nothing in doing so.
Engagement can work- repeating the false accusation that Sanders supporters are to blame for Trump can't.