Except that the PLO RECOGNIZED Israel during Oslo, as those of you on the Likudnik far right still refuse to acknowledge- there's no difference between recognizing a state and recognizing a state's "right to exist".
In the 1990s, the PLO did everything Israel asked of it- it even cooperated with Shin Bet and Mossad on "security".
The PLO and the people were supposed to get a state in exchange for that- all they got, instead, was illegal settlement expansion, an official policy of beatings from the IDF, and NO lessening of the repression or immiseration ordinary Palestinians were subjected to, no acknowledgement whatsoever that any injustices had ever been done to ordinary Palestinians- followed by the obsession of Netanyahu, who now seems certain to stay in office until he dies, whether Israel even has any remaining semblance of democracy at that point, carrying out his pointless obsession with destroying the PLO- the most reasonable Palestinian leadership that was ever going to exist- and replacing it with Hamas.
Neither leadership is made up of saints, both leaderships should do the decent thing and vanish- but it's childish and delusional to keep pretending that Israel is still fighting for its survival when its survival has been assured the whole time, or pretending that Palestinians have never been driven by anything but hatred of Jews- some are antisemites, true, but no Palestinian would have to be a bigot to have an issue with how Israel has treated them- or to revive the discredited lie, a lie never believed by anyone but the Israeli extreme anti-peace right, that "Jordan is the Palestinian state"- an argument the Jordanian government itself has always rejected.
I want both national communities to live in peace.
This can only happen if its accepted that both communities have equally deep roots in the soil, that neither is alien, and that both have the right to live in security and peace.
Nothing the Israeli government is doing in Gaza or the West Bank can ever bring peace, and Israel will forever lose the right to ask anybody to support it if it does what Netanyahu is trying to do and expels all Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.
Please think for yourself and stop simply parroting the Likudnik "line". That line is nothing but a dead end road.