Essentially, it’s whatever the opposite of what you think “virtue signaling”- which this author was not doing, as nothing in this article was about this author as a person or this author’s ego- is doing. It’s ‘vice signaling”, in my view, to call people out for “virtue signaling”, when “virtue signaling” isn’t actually a thing among progressives- people on the progressive side of the spectrum only express their views out of a desire to try and make life better- we don’t do it out of any concern with making ourselves “look good”. The charge of “virtue signaling” was only invented because there are some people who can’t accept that anyone could do anything for any reason other than self-interest or self-aggrandizement- i.e., that nobody could ever do or say a thing simply because they sincerely believe doing or saying that thing would be of some sort of help or just be the right thing TO do.