Disregard the claps I posted, I hit those by accident and the second was in trying to erase the first.
- The piece isn’t racist because white people can’t BE victims of racism, since it isn’t possible for us to be oppressed by virtue of skin color-we hold unearned dominance in this society and nothing can be done or said to us that can ever be remotely comparable to what has happened and continues to happen to black, brown, Indigenous, and Asian people in this country. All this piece was is a critique of the behavior of people who are privileged. And let’s face it-we aren’t seeing people of color insisting on “opening up the country”-it’s white, right-wing Trump supporters(the polls consistently show a majority in favor of the shutdowns and social distancing).
- It isn’t the people who work in bars of hair salons demanding that we go back to where we were before the shutdown-it’s the privileged, overwhelmingly white(and I am white, for the record)people who want to be served in such establishments, or the owners of such places, that are demanding that. We need to subsidize the survival of working people until it is safe to re-open everything, and until then, EVERYONE should do the decent thing and feel obligated to mask and social distance out in public. We all know masking and social distancing is necessary and we all know this is a massive health crisis.