Did you not listen to your grandmother's words there? "for a visit, not to live"? It's not as if the only way people who are Jewish CAN visit Jerusalem is for Entrenched Jabotinsky Anti-Peace Zionism to be given unquestioning support by all, as you are demanding.
And it's not your place to question the Jewish identity of other people who are Jewish. If they wish not to be Zionist, they have the right to not be without their identity being denied.
What do you say to them when they say to you "why should I back a state that is unchangeably reactionary and anti-peace, that is obsessed with preventing ANY Palestinian state at all, that blames the entire conflict on Palestinians and treats them all as if they are collectively responsible for the worst things their leaders do? Why should I support a state no one can support without totally abandoning their own personal humanity"? Why should those people feel they have an obligation to back a state they see as irredeemable, a state that, as they see it, endangers them by its actions and does them more harm than good?
What possible case can you make for those people to reduce themselves to discredited old position of pretending the whole conflict is about somebody else being bigots when that's not what it's about, while screaming "admit it's all your fault! admit you're totally wrong! admit you aren't owed anything! admit your identity isn't even real" at that other side?
Israel is here...we all know it's never going to not be here...so why not admit that it's time for the "everybody has to support it or you're evil" position to be retired?