Corbyn never condones antisemitism, there was no significant increase in antisemitism in the party under his leadership, and he only used the phrase "my friends", AS YOU KNOW FULL WELL, because that's the term he uses for anybody he ever takes a meeting with. If Corbyn condoned antisemitism, he would never have interfered in disciplinary proceedings to speed the expulsion of actual antisemites from the Labour Party- he worked har to get actual antisemites out of the party as quickly as possible. The only things he refused to do were to accept the far-right canard that ANY public criticism of what the Israeli government does to Palestinians was antisemitism, or that refusal to proclaim one's support for Zionism- a nationalist movement that achieved its objectives with the creation of Israel in 1948 and no longer has any reason to exist, let alone to demand anyone's support.
And no, I don't want Corbyn back as leade5r, just for the unjustified purges of his supporters to end- Labour can't win without their votes and has no right to ask for their votes if it drives them all our- and believe it could only be a tragedy for Labour to lower itself to Blair's policies, given that the 2010 and 2015 elections, both fought on "continuity Blair" manifestos and both producing Labour losses with humiliating 30% vote share- the second of which resulting in the death of Labour in Scotland because Labour had been stupid enough to let its policies end up to the right of the Scottish National Party's policies- prove that Labour can never even come close to winning another election as a antiworker, proausterity centrist party with offers a militarist foreign policy in an era in which there is no longer any reason to militarily intervene in any other country.
Labour will die out if it becomes the UK's third centre-right, cynical. dismissive youth-hating party- along with the Tories and the pitiful remnants of the LibDems. Why would you want the UK to have THREE parties of bitter, contemptuous nastiness?
Also, I'm not Hinduphobic in the least- I'm just opposed to any form of ethnic-supremacist "nation state" politics. Given that all nationalism brings to the world, why shouldn't I be? In any case, there's no decent reason for India to become a Hindu-only country. just as no other country should be reserved for people of ONE ethnicity, race, or religion. Nationalism is soaking the world in blood- why would any decent human being champion it?