BTW, I'm 60- therefore I'm not being ageist in what I'm saying on this-I'm considerably older than J.K. Rowling and while I'm younger than John Cleese, I am old enough to have watched him on public tv forty years ago. Rowling lost any claim to be a "leftist" when she joined the relentless, unjustified pile- on inflicted on Jeremy Corbyn, a lifelong antiracist and campaigner against all forms of bigotry, who was smeared as an antisemite just for not being a Zionist- even though he had actuall organized protests against antisemitism for decades and even though he accepted Labour policy which called for a two-state solution on the Israel/Palestine issue, unlike the Israeli government itself, which is committed to making sure a Palestinian state is either never created next to Israel at all-where it would have to be located- or, if the Israeli government does deign to tolerate the creation of such a state. on insisting that it be so small and non-contiguous and so utterly under the economic and military thumb of Israel that it could never survive and the IDF Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza would then be permanently restored.