As you pointed out, China has now banned the practice- which has existed in other cultures as well- so there’s no reason to continue to bring it up as a means of othering that country.
I don’t support the current Chinese government, btw- it’s just that I have always objected to the idea of the U.S. or others in “the West” treating China as if it is a place that should have to live by the arbitrary standards we set for it- standards that ignore the damage “the West” has often done to China in the past, from the British insistence on causing a massive opium problem there, through its insistence on making China accept opium in trade for Chinese goods instead of silver- to the 1912–1949 period, where a great number of Western countries used the country as the Asian version of what the U.S. used Cuba for prior to 1959- using its women sexually and taking massive amounts of wealth out of the country through various forms of organized crime and corruption.