As to milennial moms giving things up for their kids- like proper meals sometimes- are you not aware that the people who run our economic system are going out of their way to drive down living standards for the rest of us, and especially for younger people, many of whom actually have massively lower living standards than Boomers did-I was born in 1960, so I'm Boomer-adjacent- just to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few?
I can even see the shower thing making sense in that context- we can assume these moms would do sponge baths instead- because the system has unnecessarily driven electric bills far higher than they needed to be.
You might want to consider that at least some of the things millennial moms talk about are their genuine lived experience- that they are telling the truth about their lives.
And if it bothers you, you might want to consider NOT supporting politicians who support the idea of increasing economic inequality solely for the short-term benefit of the few- especially since, like most of us, you are never going to be part of the few.