As Carly Simon put it, fifty years ago-at the beginning of the second-wave feminism that, contrary to your assumptions, never did men the slightest bit of harm:
“You’re so vain/you probably think this song is about you”
No one is yelling at you, Apex. And noting Lorelai or any other feminist has written was a personal attack on you.
The way you live is simply one way to be a valid. There are many ways to be men, there are many ways to be women, there are many ways to be somewhere either between or beyond either. All of these ways of being human are equally valid and all should be accepted and respected.
And if you are truly so happy and “freed” by your current approach to life, why are you so defensive? Why do you assume that calls on men to change-changes that mainly benefit most men, since most of the changes involve learning how NOT to spend your life living an ultramacho lie-are somehow a threat to manhood?
Which of those suggested changes make you feel threatened? Scare you? Make you feel…well, let’s say it…vulnerable?
Your response strongly suggests that those changes represent something you are afraid of within yourself. You say you are “free”-you make a big deal of repeating the concept of feeling freed, over and over, in your posts-so which of these suggested changes, changes which are mainly about freeing men from the emotional chains of the past, changes we should have had wrapped around your soul, are afraid of?
What, in short, do you think you’ve got to lose?