As another white man, I'd just like to say- GROW UP.
1) There was no legitimate reason for those people to storm the Capitol. Biden won fair and square and Mike Pence did not have the power to take the electoral votes of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan away from Biden and award them, against the will of the voters of each state, to Trump;
2) Delaying the certification of the results would not have kept Trump in office past January 20th- someone else- most likely Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, would have become acting president;
3) The celphone videos of the insurrectionists themselves, as revealed by the impeachmanagers on 2/10, featured recordings that proved it was the intent of the insurrectionists to kill both Vice President Pence and Speaker Pelosi- we already knew they had murdered one Capitol police officer and caused the deaths of at least four other people;
4) It was inherently racist to call the Biden victory a "steal", because the argument for that rested almost entirely on the assertion that the mail-in votes should be thrown out- and the obvious reason the insurrectionists wanted the mail-in ballots thrown out was that they were overwhelmingly cast by black people;
5) the most recent police information has indicated that numerous weapons were found by the police after the insurrection- insurrectionist videos showed many of them carrying weapons- those videos also showed the insurrectionists pepper-spraying the police- and we have no way of knowing at this point how many insurrectionists were actually armed because. thanks to Trump's refusal to mobilize the National Guard to put down the putsch, the vast majority of the insurrectionists simply walked away from the scene- something that never happened at antiracist protests this summer or the Occupy protests several years ago, in which hundreds of protesters, the overwhelming majority of whom were nonviolent, were kettled and put under mass arrest, simply for having been part of the occupation of city parks.
6) Not all white men are being implicated in this- most of us opposed the putsch and accepted that Biden's victory is legitimate- but the vast majority of the coup participants were white men, virtually all of whom embrace the toxic lie that they are victims in life but nobody else has any valid grievances about anything.