This article is simply the restatement of the hasbara "line". Not a single new or original thought or idea or piece of information appears in this, and none of it is pertinent to the current situation.
Trying to revive the discredited canard of the conflict being nothing but "Arab hatred of Jews" is pointless. Everyone knows that's not what this is about, and everyone knows it was never reasonable- whatever one might say about the nastiness of the Arab regimes of the day toward Palestinian refugees- to expect Palestinian refugees to simply accept dispossession and permanent exile as their due- OR to expect them to accept the bogus claim that Palestinians are simply "generic Arabs"- ethnically, they aren't "Arab" at all, actually- who should be just as home in any Arab country as in their homeland, and who never had any real connection to the lands they were driven off of in the 1947-49 period.
The only way to get to peace is for both sides to accept that both national communities have equally deep roots in these lands and, under whatever arrangements, and equal right to live on- or if need be, be allowed to return to- these lands- and that neither, under any circumstances, must be expelled from these lands.
Getting both sides to accept that is what matters- NOT making the Palestinians say Netanyahu's exact pompous, arrogant, intentionally humiliating words.