Again, none of this is about MY feelings, and it's getting kind of pathetic that you are obsessed with making this about me.
And I did not "scurry off"-the other article was simply the next one in your list of posted articles. All I did there was point out that you were trying to make that discussion all about feminism supposedly causing the rift between you and your daughter, when you were responsible for that because you made choices that convinced your daughter that you care more about an abstraction- a wealthy, privileged white male celebrity's right tp a "presumption of innocence"- a right that simply refers to how a person accused of a crime is to be treated by the criminal justice system and has never meant that no one has the right to form opinions about a person's innocence or guilt in any context outside of the criminal justice system, such as the court of public opinion- than you do about the victims of childhood sexual assaults.
There is a common point in what you wrote in both articles; a seeming indifference to the victims of assault or injustice and an insistence in centering yourself and your feelings in any discussion/. That common point is why I commented on both articles, not my feelings- feelings which are utterly irrelevant to the comments I posted about your writings.