Actually, it doesn’t mean Trump is still in the lead-for that matter, even before the pandemic, most polls, even the Republican-run Rasmussen polls, showed either a dead heat or a small lead for either Biden or most of his then-rivals for the Democratic nomination.
If there were any polls showing Trump with a lead, how do you explain the fact that neither Fox nor OAN have aired them? If Trump were actually doing better than the polls on most networks showed him doing, wouldn’t hit own campaign have publicized the fact.
And of course Trump’s handling of the pandemic would get 100% support from his own voters. Those voters treat the man as if he is the only non-Catholic with papal infallibility.
And while I agree that Biden’s campaign could always still blow this election through its own complacent arrogance, there simply isn’t any evidence to suggest Trump has a lead that that campaign and everyone in in the media, including OAN and Fox, and everyone in the Trump campaign itself are conspiring to hide. At some point, you’re going to have to accept that not everything that goes against Trump’s wishes is a “hoax”- to hold to that idea, at this point, is to assume that reality is a hoax.